Climate driven changes in winter abundance of a migratory waterbird in relation to EU protected areas.
Distribution of wintering Common Eider Somateria mollissima in the Dutch Wadden Sea in relation to available food stocks.
Continent-scale global change attribution in European birds - combining annual and decadal time scales.
Satellite- versus temperature-derived green wave indices for predicting the timing of spring migration of avian herbivores.
Habitat preference of geese is affected by livestock grazing – seasonal variation in an experimental field evaluation.
Declines in insectivorous birds are associated with high neonicotinoid concentrations.
Temporal dynamics of bird community composition: an analysis of baseline conditions from long-term data.
The exception to the rule: retreating ice front makes Bewick’s swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii migrate slower in spring than in autumn.
Epidemiology of Influenza A Virus among Black-headed Gulls, the Netherlands
Nest predation in Afrotropical forest fragments shaped by inverse edge effects, timing of nest initiation and vegetation structure.
Change detection in animal movement using discrete wavelet analysis.
Migratory Herbivorous Waterfowl Track Satellite-Derived Green Wave Index.
The Study of Career Decisions: Oystercatchers as Social Prisoners.
Population Dynamics of Great Bittern (Botaurus stellaris) in the Netherlands: Interaction Effects of Weather Variability and Habitat Fragmentation.
Environmental Determinants of Recent Endemism of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Infections in Amphibian Assemblages in the Absence of Disease Outbreaks.
Birds protected by national legislation show improved population trends in Eastern Europe.
Long-Term Phenological Shifts in Raptor Migration and Climate.
Livestock grazing and trampling of birds' nests: an experiment using artificial nests.
Bird Radar Validation in the Field by Time-Referencing Line-Transect Surveys.